Maine State Quilt Shop Hop 2020
The Maine State Quilt Shop Hop begins August 1st and runs through the 31st. There are lots of great prizes to win and fun challenges to participate in.To learn more about the shop hop click Here. Needless to say, it's an unusual year for the 20th Anniversary. Here's what we've done to help it go smoothly:
Please note: we have moved to 558 Congress Street (one block from Reny's). Parking is on -street parking, there is also a parking garage on Free Street. Click HERE to learn more.
- We will have stickers instead of stamps to minimize touch
- We will ship your charm square and sticker-stamp to you (along with a thank-you gift) with any purchase, shipping is also FREE with a purchase over $50. Use Promo code "SHOPHOP” so that we know you are participating (or write it in the notes). You can also call in your order.
- There is no purchase necessary for the charm square and stamp, but you'll need to pick those up. When visiting the shop please note that we are limiting customers to 4 at a time, you MUST wear a mask to enter and unfortunately, there is no public restroom. You can call curbside, if we are not busy with customers we'll meet you at the door with your sticker + charm square (please wear a mask).
We look forward to seeing you and participating in a safe Shop Hop!
Z Fabrics 2020 Shop Hop Challenge Quilt:
"Bird Brain" 42" x 42"